The list of occupations eligible for a medical professional discount is long and includes veterinarians, dentists, orthodontists, cardiologists, radiologists, dermatologists, surgeons, oncologists, physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, optometrists, pharmacists, and physician assistants.
Medical professionals should secure true own-occupation disability insurance as soon as they begin their working careers. It is especially important for a medical professional to have high-quality disability insurance coverage due to the likelihood of a medical professional facing a career-disrupting injury or sickness. While medical professionals don’t necessarily have a dangerous occupation, even a minor health setback could cause a medical pro to miss work. In some cases a relatively minor health condition could end a career.
Example: If a surgeon contracts a blood-born illness, they could lose the career they worked so hard to achieve. Suddenly the surgeon is out of work and financial stress begins to rear its ugly head. If the the surgeon has a disability insurance policy, however, then monthly income is provided as a safety net. If the surgeon has a “true own-occupation” disability insurance policy, they can even continue to collect their disability benefit while they begin working in another career. Imagine taking on a new career path teaching at a med school and having the financial security of disability benefits that continue to pay. THESE MONTHLY INCOME BENEFITS CONTINUE EVEN IF YOU’RE WORKING IN A NEW CAREER.
Montana Life Group has compared policies from the the top insurance carriers in the industry and selected The Standard Insurance Company’s Protector Platinum as the highest-quality disability insurance policy for physician assistants. Montana Life Group has been selected as a preferred agency with The Standard. As a result, we can extend a special discount to our clients. Fortunately, this policy has industry-leading strength as well as a cost-effective price point.
The Standard Protector Platinum Policy
- Own Occupation Definition of Disability You’ll receive monthly benefits if, due to disability, you are unable to perform the substantial and material duties of your occupation, even if you earn money doing something else.
- Partial Disability Benefit You’ll receive full benefits for the first six months if you have a loss of time, duties or income. After that, you’ll receive a portion of your monthly benefits based on the amount of earnings you have lost.
- Compassionate Care Benefit® The Standard will pay monthly disability benefits if you have a loss of income while caring for a family member with a serious health condition.
Discounts Available
- 10% discount available through Montana Life Group because of our Preferred Agency status.
- Additional 15% discount available to business owners who can prove 2 years of profitability.
- Additional 5% discount available to individuals who purchase multiple policies. (DI and Business Overhead Insurance).
Disability Insurance Quote
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